Wednesday 15 December 2010

the Pursuit of Happiness

There is no one in this world who doesn't want to be happy. Every single living being wants to be happy. Happiness is the sole purpose of our life. everyone is in the search of it. Can we search it?
There is an illusion that happiness is that we can get from outside. Happiness is different from being successful or being loved. we think that when we become successful or affluent we become happy. Achieving something doesn't create happiness. Happiness lies within us but not outside.

Happiness is like accepting what we are. It is liking what we get. To become happy one needs to be satisfied with own-self. It is difficult for human to be bring satisfaction. Their desires are the greatest enemy of their happiness. The more you desire or expect from our life the more sad you will be. One should learn to become happy. Since the happiness doesn't come from outside, the learning wholly depends on you. your thinking, your feelings, your attitudes, all are the factors that can create happiness from within.


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