Saturday 21 December 2013

Solving real life problems

Solving real life problems

A problem well stated is a problem half solved - Charles Kettering.

We have already learnt in Mathematics to solve any given problem. We state the problem statement first and try to solve it with the given constraints. In our real life too, the problem can be solved this way.

A clear cut problem statement is a must before you think it is a problem. Our mind does not work properly when it is tensed. So empty your mind and do  the following:

  1. Take a pen and list out all the issues you are having in a paper
  2. Sort them according to the impact it has upon you.
  3. Few will dissapear as soon as you complete your list.
  4. Go through each and ask yourself if it is a real problem. You know your constraints right? If nothing can be done then that is not your problem, strike them out, because it's no use worrying.
  5. Now you have a proper list of problems you can solve. Problem which can be solved is not a problem at all because it will disappear from the list soon. :)
Definitely, human mind is the source of problem and it's solution too. One who can control her/his mind is the most powerful human. If you think the Universe has imposed upon you all its problem then take it, list it , face it and solve it if it were a Mathematical equation. And one day comes, the Universe stops imposing problems upon you.
